Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Anti-nauseu Meds Worked!

She is finished with day 1 & 2 of the second round of chemo. Her nausea meds were changed this time and they worked wonders. She has not felt nauseous and is doing much better than round 1. She is drained of all energy and is resting on the couch watching TV, but this will hopefully pass quicker than last time.

We received the results from her PET scan last week and it shows that the cancer is greatly reduced but is still present. This means that after she finishes round #3 of chemo she will need to undergo radiation therapy. Even if it is gone after round #3, studies show that the return of the cancer is probable if the PET after round #1 was not clean. I do not yet know what the radiation will entail, but will let you know when I have some answers.

She has started her daily shots of GCS-F to help with her white blood cell count. It is expected that she will drop low again, so we have cleaned and disinfected the house and are keeping her away from anyone that has been sick or been around someone who has. This is difficult when it is her sister. Alyna stayed home from school today with a sore throat and a stuffy nose, so I have her on one side of the house and Carlene on the other and they are both quarantined to their area and I am on the constant run back and forth to help my two patients. I am not convinced that Alyna is really sick, as she is my drama queen and is always wanting extra attention. She is quite convincing though even when she is not ill, so a little extra love and more of me often helps her "ailments" disappear when she forgets to "act". None the less, we are not taking chances and they are separated.

Olivia and Alicia are home this weekend and we have a rodeo on Sunday. Carlene is excited to have them around as she misses them very much. She can't wait until summer when they are here full time. She is not used to not being with them as they go to school together and she would see them everyday. Now that she is home schooled she does not have that opportunity. Their mother finally agreed to let them go with Carlene on July 4th to see the Jonas Brothers in Utah! At first she said was not going to let them go because it is her year to have them on the 4th, and Carlene was considering changing her wish because it would not be the same without her sister counterparts in attendance, but the girls called yesterday to say that she had changed her mind and was letting them go =) Carlene is excited that she can have her true Make-A-Wish and not have to alter it.

As for the rodeo on Sunday, she hopes to have enough strength to attend. Her best friend, Heather, has offered to tack up her horse and warm him up so all Carlene has to do is get on and run the pattern. That way she can sit back, relax, and watch the rodeo. Of course, this will all depend on her white blood cell counts. A nurse will be coming to the house on Thursday for a blood draw and then we will know where she stands on the possibility of attending.

Thank you all for your prayers and concern...we all appreciate your love and support.

1 comment:

  1. Yay you can go see the Jonas Brothers! Woohoo!!! I WANT A make that plural...I WANT PICTURES!!! ;D I hope you can do your rodeo on Sunday. Oh and since you are spending a lot of time on the couch, you should watch Gilmore Girls. They make you feel better. At least it worked with me both times I recovered from surgery. Well I am going to watch some GG right now before bed. I love you and hope to see you soon.
