Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This weekend I had a two day rodeo down in Corona. I was so excited because I was going to do all of the events. We brought Levi, Kiowa, Kid, and thanks to some friends our new horse Chubbs. On Saturday I did Poles on Levi and Goats on Chubbs. After goats I got really tired so I didn't do Barrels. After the rodeo we went back to the hotel and ordered pizza and went swimming for a little bit. It was alot of fun. Then we went back to the rodeo grounds for a goat tying jackpot fundraiser. We just ran on foot, no horses, it was fun. I tripped and fell the first time and then the 2nd time the goat came untied. On Sunday I did Poles and Goats on Levi and we did really good. I again didn't ride Barrels so I went home early and finished my typing homework for my college class. Overall the rodeo was sooooo much fun. I can't wait until July. This coming weekend is the cherry parade and I get to ride in it with the American flag. I'm excited cuz I love cherries, they're so yummy.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Carlene, its Rachel. I hope you you are feeling better. It was nice seeing you at the May gymkhana. You looked like you were having fun on the back of that rhino or mule or whatever it Well it definitely sounds like you had fun at the rodeo. Sorry you couldn't do barrels. Well at least you and Levi did well in everything else!!! I am glad that you having fun and keeping your head held high, and always having a smile on your face!!:] Keep it up Carlene and my family and I are always keeping you in our prayers!
